Elsewhere in sports, it has been used to refer to false start rules (to be disqualified after a single false start) and to tournament performance (to be eliminated after one round). A couple might be one and done if they plan to have only one child. Military, a one and done is a serviceman who signs up for only a single enlistment. A/N: Ok guys, by demand I made this one a little more lengthy. You can probably tell how I run out of ideas once I reach 500 words lol. It's not my favorite so far but I've had this poker game idea in my head for a while and I wanted to use it, so I hope you enjoy it.

A/N: Ok guys, by demand I made this one a little more lengthy. You can probably tell how I run out of ideas once I reach 500 words lol. It's not my favorite so far but I've had this poker game idea in my head for a while and I wanted to use it, so I hope you enjoy it. I've decided that while these are all going to be one-shots, they're still going to be along the same time period and central plot of the future family idea. Again, reviews are awesome and thank you to everyone for your praise so far! It means a lot. Better get going or I'll miss the new ep. of Castle!! AAHH I'm so excited :)

One And Done Poker Rules

High Stakes

One And Done Poker Tournaments

A brown-haired baby boy squirmed in his highchair impatiently while his mother attempted to feed him. 'C'mon, bud, two more bites,' She coaxed, holding a spoonful of 'turkey dinner' in front of him. Kate could see frustration in her son's green eyes. He'd had enough. 'Fine,' She sighed, admitting defeat. It was amusing to her how she relented easier in front of a high chair than an interrogation table. She lifted Jayce out of his chair, wiping his tiny hands with a wet cloth. With a glance at the clock, she noticed it was almost seven o'clock.

Alexis walked past her and set her empty dinner plate in the sink. 'At least you finished your dinner,' Kate said to her step-daughter with a smile. She rinsed the highchair tray in the sink with one hand and struggled to keep the baby still with her other arm.

'Do I get a sticker?' Alexis asked sarcastically, taking Jayce into her arms. Kate smirked at the comment.

'If you take him in the other room, I'll give you two,' She replied as she removed a dirty bib from the boy's neck. Alexis grinned and walked off towards the family room, bouncing her brother in her arms.

A moment later Rick entered the loft, carrying a few large shopping bags. Kate looked at him quizzically as she wiped her hands with a towel. 'You know it's just the guys and Lanie, right?' She asked him as he joined her in the kitchen and dumped the bags on the counter.

'Oh c'mon. You can never have to much booze,' He said with his crooked smile on his face.

Kate rolled her eyes characteristically. 'You can. Like that one time at Ryan's place when you almost started strip-'

'Stripping paint off the walls? Yeah great times,' He cut in, as Alexis walked in the room with wide eyes. She still held Jayce in her arms, who was in a much better mood. He had a blue pacifier in his mouth and his favorite stuffed panda bear in his arms.

'Don't wanna know,' She said, cringing at the thought. 'Where's Gram? Parker will be here soon.'


Castle looked at his daughter with a look of surprise. 'Parker? I thought you were going to Kelsey's?'

One and done poker odds

'Uh…plans changed!' She said quickly, an innocent smile on her face. She looked at Kate pleadingly, hoping for some kind of support.

Kate cut in and changed the subject. 'Martha said she'd be back in time, don't worry. She's probably on her way,' Kate told her, hoping to take Rick's over-protective mind off of the mystery boy.

'Who's Parker?' Rick asked them both with a look of worry.

Kate rolled her eyes. 'A boy. Don't worry.'

'So you knew about this?' He asked her, and looked at Alexis. 'Traitor.' Alexis narrowed her eyes and handed the baby to his father.


Later that evening, Alexis had left with her new beau. Of course this was not without a series of interrogation-style questions from her dad. With his pseudo-cop experience, he had come to master the art of bringing down the hammer. Once he was assured this Parker boy wasn't a serial killer or drug dealer, he let the two go out for the evening.

Martha returned from who knows where she had been and who with, and was playing with her grandson on the couch near the poker table.

'Alright, I'm out,' Lanie announced, laying her cards on t he poker table in defeat.

Kate smiled with a raised eyebrow at her best friend, who returned the gesture. Suddenly she felt a tug at the hem of her jeans. She looked down to see a certain little boy kneeling near her chair, arms raised. 'Sorry, he's getting hard to keep up with. He's almost worse than Rick was,' Martha, who had appeared at Kate's side, said. Rick looked at her with mock hurt.

'Now that could be bad,' Said Ryan, half-jokingly. He took a swig from his beer and a peek at his hand.

Kate bent down to lift up the baby, setting him in her lap. He braced the edge of the table and stood on her thighs, eying the poker chips curiously. 'Maybe he'll bring me good luck,' She guessed, kissing the top of his head.

'You're really that desperate?' Rick teased, giving her a cocky grin.

One And Done Playoffs

She raised her eyebrow at him competitively. 'All in,' And with a drop of her poker chips, the game was on.